Student Solution


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Interpersonal Communication I_Discussion 4

Interpersonal Communication I_Discussion 4

Q After completing Module 4, select either flirting, deception, or jealousy as your topic for Discussion Post 4. In addition to what you learn in the module and textbook, you must find at least two journal articles about the selected topic that help you better define and understand concepts/terms related to the topic. It is recommended that you use SFA library's databases (google scholar preferred) to find the two journal articles. In discussion Post 4, your will need to define and explain key terms/concepts related to the selected topic (either flirting, deception, or jealousy). Then, you will need to find a clip from a television show or movie to illustrate the selected topic. Explain the clip and provide a hyperlink as well. Finally, discuss why you selected this topic and how you can apply what you have learned about the topic in future interpersonal communication. Discussion Post 4 should be at least three paragraphs, cite the required sources in APA style, exhibit proof reading, and demonstrate clear and well-developed writing.

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Flirting can be regarded as a time-honored technique of signaling attraction and interest to speak nothing regarding mutual awareness. It can be regarded as a type of silent language that women and men speak throughout the world ("Flirting", 2018). A tendency is there in men to see behaviors of women as more sexual in comparison to what is done by women in interactions that are cross-sex. This difference occurs due to the fact that specific behaviors are seen by men as motivated sexually while a different motivation is attributed by women to the behaviors.